The Transformer’s Voice – Michael Grintz

Name of Transformer Michael Grintz
Context of Transformer Michael is a Pharmacist selling on Amazon
Why are transformations important? Especially in the current climate of constant change, transformations are not only important, but necessary, to remain relevant and competitive. This affects me not only as a businessperson, as I constantly adapt to the growing relevance of online sales, but also as a healthcare specialist, striving to provide high quality care in an increasingly digital environment (telemedicine being the operative word).
How can you make transformations a success? I find ‘transformation’ in itself almost to be a misnomer, as it suggests it is a process that, in itself, is closed and can be completed. The only way to succeed in the transformative process, especially when this entails adapting to a digital landscape, is to understand that the rules constantly change, the possibilities today are different from those of tomorrow, and that nothing is set in stone. To be a part of our rapidly developing world means to be constantly aware of the ongoing changes. Businesses are often dubbed as ‘flexible’ when they quickly orientate themselves in changing conditions. However, being truly a part of the transformative process means changing not only the approach but the state in which one operates – regarding one’s business not as fixed but as fluid.
What advice would you give to someone embarking upon a transformation? Be aware, think ahead – always consider every option, and even then, accept that there are outcomes you cannot predict. The only way to transform in a groundbreaking way is to follow in no-ones path and follow nobody’s advice. As a general rule, question the rules.